Project : Bill Processing System

User Department(s):
Telangana Finance Commission (TGFC)
Project Brief:
The objective of this Bill Processing System (BPS) is 1) effective processing of the bills received from the registered Suppliers, 2) ensure transparency in making payments to registered Suppliers, based on First in First out (FIFO) system, and 3) To credit payments directly to Supplier bank account without unjustified delay. BPS has work flow to raise query online by concerned officer and online submission replies by the supplier.

Facilities to Suppliers
- Bill Submission
- Cheque details entry
- Process Bill
- Raise Query
- Reply to Query
- Online Reports
- Upload scanned copies of bill details etc
The system generates SMS alerts at the time of registration, query raise, reply submission etc.
Important benefits
- Invoices and their complete lifecycle – from payment execution through to reconciliation, can be managed and reviewed
- Officers can view invoices that are pending for review, waiting for taking action, waiting for payment etc.
- Ease in bills submission for suppliers
- Duplicate invoice protection alerts to user, if the bill looks similar
- Save time and improve efficiency
- Minimizes delays in obtaining bill approvals
- Faster, more accurate visibility drives better business decisions
- Audit trails maintain a deep history of user and supplier activity.
Link to the website/application