Project : Degree Online Services Telangana (DOST)

User Department(s):
Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TGCHE)
Project Brief:
DOST is a friendly and effortless way to apply for undergraduate courses. It helps in Choosing the favourite undergraduate course with all the information required, Minimizing the efforts and maximizing the choices to opt for an undergraduate course, to access, Equality and Excellency to each and every student in Telangana by applying online for as many colleges and courses with just Rs.100/- through an easy payment mode like net banking, credit and debit card.
The courses are offered by various colleges affiliated to the following universities, which includes Constituent, Government, Aided, Autonomous and Private Colleges in the Telangana state
- Osmania University
- Kakatiya University
- Telangana University
- Mahatma Gandhi University
- Satavahana University and
Palamuru University
This system updates timely with SMS alerts and Help Line Centers Support. Few challenges like hard copy submission, separate physical registration, allotment, and verification are easily faced using this system with complete transparency. With the entire process computerized, visit any colleges is not necessary till the admission reporting with registration and web options simultaneous.
- Six Major Universities under DOST are Osmania University, Kakatiya University, Telangana University, Mahatma Gandhi University, Satavahana University and Palamuru University
- One Portal for all the Universities
- On an average, around 300,000 students per year are benefitted
- More than 1,000 Colleges are covered from Hyderabad, Warangal, Mahbubnagar, Nalgonda, Karimnagar, Nizamabad in Telangana State
- Around 200 plus undergraduate courses available for the students to choose
Benefits/uses of the application:
- Integrated with Board of Intermediate Education, Telangana State for real-time validation and verification
- Bio-Metric authentication of Aadhar through Mee-Seva Centers
- Integrated with Mee-Seva Centers for Caste Certificate, Income Certificate Verification and Validation
- Cost and Time Saving to the students, colleges, Universities and Governing Bodies
- Fee entry and updating (course wise, college wise)
- College Course Mapping
- Cancellation of Applications
- Non-viable courses deletion
- Students of Non-Telangana State Board of Intermediate has a provision for the verification process
- Special Category Applications verification
- Online Complaints Redressal to Universities
49th SKOCH Summit 2017: Smart Governance Category: Conferred with SKOCH Platinum Award
CSI Nihilent Awards 2018: Award of Appreciation
Link to the website/application: