Project : Human Resource Management and Payroll System (HRM & Payroll System)

User Department(s):
Tirumala Tirupati DevasthanamProject Brief:
The objective of the Project was to maintain personal, educational and professional details of employees of TTD through the online system to prepare e-Service book and salary Bills, supplementary Bills of employees
A) The key features of this system include:
- e-Service Book: It captures the complete history of the employees’ information from his/her date of joining to current position which includes Demographic, Contact details, Recruitment, Qualification details and Service details, generate e-e-Service registers of employees
- Transfers & Promotions: The information captured in this module assists the administrators in taking a decision while undertaking the task of transfers/ postings of employees
- Disciplinary Case monitoring: The information captured in this module facilitates monitoring the disciplinary cases of employees
- Awards & Punishments: This module facilities in capturing the particulars related to the awards given and punishment imposed to the department personnel
- Leave Management: This module has a provision to capture all types of leaves entitled to the employee
Annual Property Returns: Annual property returns module facilitates the organization to upload the property returns of the employees into the system. Uploading of annual returns facilitates the administrators tracking of the returns filing
B) Payroll: Payroll module facilitates TTD in the generation of the payroll of the employees. Preparation of monthly pay bills, supplemental bills becomes easy and structured across the organization. Maintaining the pay information in digital formats enable generation of Form 16A and IT returns. The system facilitates the following services:
- Facility to update the employee wise PRC and basic pay information and to update the monthly applicability of leave and maintenance of leave accounts.
- It creates and assign pay heads dynamically to the state level administrator and allows to update monthly amounts against pay heads to Drawing and Disbursing Officers.
- Facility to sanction annual grade and special grade increments and also generate monthly and supplemental pay bills
Report on monthly pay slips, Form 16A and Income tax calculations and Generation of Schedules and Last Pay Certificate
Benefits/uses of the application:
- All the employee's data is available online
- Major errors like paying salaries to the retired employees are arrested
- Preparation of pay bills becomes easy, error-free and quicker
Ease in crediting of salary to the employees to their bank accounts
Link to the website/application