Project Info
- Year of Completion : 2022
- User Department : SERP, Telangana
Labour shortage at peak times of demand is a serious problem faced by farmers across the country. Mechanization brings in timeliness and precision to agricultural operations, greater field coverage over a short period, cost-effectiveness, efficiency in use of resources & applied inputs and reduce drudgery of human labour especially farm women. To bring in access to costlier farm machinery to small and marginal farmers, SERP is implementing Custom Hiring Centres project through women SHGs. The project is incepted in the year 2020-21 by extending various modes of financing viz. 100 percent grant, 25% grant and No grant. A total of 128 CHCs are established in the state, out of which 53 are during 2020-21 and 75 during 2021-22.
SERP has commissioned the study to CGG to assess the functionality of CHC established in Telangana with the following objectives,
- To study the factors affecting the smooth functioning of CHCs
- To know the perception of farmers on services provided by the CHCs
- To recommend measures to improve functioning and service delivery of CHCs.