Project Info
- Year of Completion : 2014
- User Department : Andhra Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd.
This Project is taken up based on the request from the Andhra Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd., entailed the estimation of district wise warehouse deficit/surplus in Andhra Pradesh, in the backdrop of the implementation of the Food Security Act, 2013.
The experience of Madhya Pradesh in implementing the M.P. Warehouse and Logistics Policy, 2012 was studies through a visit to Bhopal and interaction with the officials of Government of Madhya Pradesh. The study was also informed by the insight of senior officials of Centre Warehousing Corporation, Food Corporation of India, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), A.P State Civil Supplies Corporation, A.P State Warehousing Corporation and the private warehousing sector.
The costs and benefits of various models of warehouse construction have been analysed and recommendations have been made on their decreasing order of preferences. The study culminated in the formulation of Warehousing Policy of Andhra Pradesh State Civil Supplies Corporation Ltd.