Project Info
- Year of Completion : 2015
- User Department : Society for Elimination of Rural Povert (SERP) Government of Andhra Pradesh
The Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP) was established by the Government of Andhra Pradesh (GOAP) as a sensitive support structure to facilitate poverty reduction through social mobilization and improvement of Livelihoods of rural poor in Andhra Pradesh.
SERP has planned for developing the Project Implementation Plan (PIP) for rolling out the World Bank assisted Andhra Pradesh Rural Inclusive Growth Project (APRIGP) for the period 201-2018. APRIGP assistance policy includes interventions for facilitating convergence among the line department services. In order to arrive at this convergence, SERP decided to undertake functional mapping studies in the line department relevant to APRIGP. As a pilot, Functional Mapping of Integrated Child Development Scheme (ICDS) was taken up and the study was entrusted to Centre for Good Governance, Hyderabad. The objective of this study was to carry out a present situational analysis with respect to the delivery of ICDS services to the beneficiaries and prepare a convergence roadmap for all the line departments involved.
Accordingly, Centre for Good Governance has undertaken a Field study in four districts (Rangareddy, Visakhapatnam, Nalgonda and Kurnool), 14 mandals and 22 villages. 17 ICDS centres and 16 NDCC centres were observed for the study. This study was carried out by an external consultant. The key observations and suggestions were presented to the officials of SERP and after incorporating their suggestions, the final report was prepared and submitted.